
Law for Fitness Managers and Exercise Professionals
This ground-breaking, comprehensive, 538-page textbook is the “go-to” resource for fitness managers and exercise professionals. Specifically written for a “lay” audience, this textbook is designed to help fitness managers and exercise professionals comply with the law, enhance fitness safety, and advance the exercise profession by describing what, why and how:
WHAT laws do fitness managers and exercise professionals need to know?
WHY do fitness managers and exercise professionals need to know the laws?
HOW do fitness managers and exercise professionals apply the laws?
Written For:
1. Fitness managers and program directors/coordinators
2. Exercise professionals
3. Healthcare providers involved in the exercise profession
4. Lawyers and insurance experts involved in the exercise profession
Special Features:
- Descriptions of over 110 lawsuits that occurred in fitness facilities and programs -- 30 "spotlight" cases and over 80 additional cases.
- Descriptions of effective risk management strategies to help protect fitness managers/exercise professionals and their organizations from legal liability.
- Key Points in every chapter that highlight and emphasize important legal and risk management principles and concepts.
- Over 100 tables, figures, exhibits, and photos to provide additional, relevant information and illustrate textual content.
- Numerous sample forms and documents.
- Many legal and risk management resources.
Click on Each of the Following for More Textbook Information
- Textbook Resources (PASQ forms, etc.): Forms and Documents
- Textbook: Chapter Study Questions
- Textbook: Educational Courses
- Course #1: Faculty Training Course
- Course #2: CEC/CEU Self-Study Course for Fitness Managers, Exercise Professionals and Students
- Textbook: Testimonials (provided on a voluntary basis)
- Textbook: Changes and Updates