Dr. Eickhoff-Shemek is a frequent speaker on a variety of legal and risk management topics. She has given over 100 professional presentations. The following are presentations she has given the past 15 years including international presentations, keynotes, pre-cons, conferences, and webinars:

Keynote: Sydney, Australia

Keynote: Omaha, NE
ACSM's Exercise Science Special Interest Group (SIG) Zoom Meeting. Student Concerns Regarding Body Composition Assessments. April 11, 2024.
ACSM’s International Health & Fitness Summit. Risk Management for Fitness Managers and Professionals: Lessons Learned from 10 Negligence Lawsuits. March 2023, Washington D.C.
Health Benefits Conference & Expo. Workplace Wellness Program Case Studies in Wellness Incentive, Workers’ Compensation, and Unlicensed Practice. (Co-presenter, Barbara Zabawa, JD, MPH). January 2023, Clearwater, FL.
Athletic Business Annual Conference. Top Seven Legal Liability Risks that Fitness Managers Need to Recognize and Minimize. November 2022, Orlando, FL.
American College of Sports Medicine Webinar. ACSM Launches New CEC Course: Law for Fitness Managers: Protect Yourself and Your Business. November 2022 (invited).
MedFit Classroom Webinar. Exercise Prescriptions: Linking Safety and Business Success. July 2022.
Medical Fitness Association Webinar. Exercise Prescription for Clinical Populations: Strategies to Avoid Crossing Over the Line into the “Legal” Scope of Practice. June 2022.
ACSM Webinar: Top Five Legal Liability Risks Facing Fitness Managers: Lessons Learned from Negligence Cases. February 2022.
Athletic Business Annual Conference. Virtual Fitness Programs: Risk Management Strategies to Minimize Legal Liability. October 2021, San Antonio, TX.
Rock Steady Boxing Coaches Conference. Exercise Programs for Clinical Populations: Legal Liability Issues to Consider. October 2021, Orlando, FL (invited).
Twenty-fifth Annual Conference, ACSM’s Health & Fitness Summit. Removing the Fear of Injury and Reinjury: Practical Steps to Create a Safety Culture. March/April 2021 (Virtual Conference).
WELCOA Webinar: Health Coaching Legal Guidance. June 2020. Co-presenter: Barbara Zabawa. (Invited).
Medical Fitness Association Annual Conference. Exercise Prescription for Clinical Populations: Mitigating Legal Liability Risks. November 2019, Orlando, FL. (Invited).
Athletic Business Annual Conference. Safety First! 10 Strategies to Create a Safety Culture in Your Fitness Facility. November 2019, Orlando, FL.
WELCOA Webinar: Legal Risks with Worksite Fitness Programs. March 2019. Co-presenter: Barbara Zabawa. (Invited).
Scholarship Lecture: Minimizing Legal Liability: Strategies that Work. Kennesaw State University, Department of Exercise Science and Sport Management. February 2019. Kennesaw, GA. (invited).
Pre-Conference Workshop: Health Benefits Conference & Expo. Mastering Workplace Wellness Rules. (Co-presenter, Barbara Zabawa, JD, MPH) International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. January 2019, Clearwater, FL.
Rock Steady Boxing Coaches Conference. Minimizing Legal Liability: Building a Comprehensive Risk Management Plan for Your Fitness Facility. September 2018, Philadelphia, PA. (Invited).
Medical Fitness Association Webinar: Creating a Safety Culture in Your Fitness Facility: Strategies that Work! July 2018. (Invited).
WELLRIGHT Webinar: Integrating Exercise is Medicine© into Your Employee Wellness Programs: An Effective Population Health Management Strategy, June 2018. (Invited).
Twenty-seventh Annual Health Benefits Conference & Expo. Integrating Exercise is Medicine Into Your Employee Wellness Programs: An Effective Population Health Management Strategy, Clearwater Beach, FL, January, 2018.
Conference Keynote Presenter: Omaha 20th Annual Women’s Health and Wellness Conference. Advancing Women’s Health the Next 20 Years: Shifting the Emphasis to Wellness, University of Nebraska Medical Center, October, 2017, Omaha, NE (Invited).
Omaha 20th Annual Women’s Health and Wellness Conference. Selecting a Personal Fitness Trainer or Wellness Coach: Important Factors to Consider. University of Nebraska Medical Center, October, 2017, Omaha, NE (Invited).
Pre-Conference Workshop: Wellness Council of America (WELCOA) Annual Summit. Mastering Workplace Wellness Rules. (Co-presenter Barbara Zabawa, JD, MPH), August, 2017, Omaha, NE (Invited).
Conference Keynote Presenter: Ninth Annual MFA Medical Fitness Institute. Creating a Safety Culture in Your Fitness Facility: Strategies that Work! August, 2017, Decatur, Georgia (Invited).
International Presentation: La Trobe University Law School Forum. Providing Nutritional Advice: Scope of Practice for Fitness Professionals. Sponsored by La Trobe University Law School in conjunction with Fitness Australia). Melbourne, Australia, March 2017. (Invited).
Twentieth Annual Conference, ACSM’s Health & Fitness Summit. Legal Duties to Properly Hire, Train, and Supervise Employees: Essential Competencies for Fitness Managers and Program Supervisors. March, 2016, Orlando, FL. (presented twice).
Wellness Council of Tampa Bay Annual Expo. Designing with Diversity. December, 2015, St. Petersburg, FL. (Invited).
Athletic Business Annual Conference. High Intensity Exercise: Minimizing Injuries and Legal Liability Risks. November, 2015, New Orleans, LA.
Medical Fitness Association Annual Conference. Designing and Delivering a Legally-Defensible Fitness Facility Orientation: 10 Easy and Effective Risk Management Steps. November, 2015, New Orleans, LA.
Medical Fitness Association Annual Conference. Adherence to Pre-Activity Screening Standards and Guidelines. November, 2015, New Orleans, LA. (Lead author/presenter – Aaron Craig).
Medical Fitness Association Webinar: Scope of Practice: Are Your Fitness and Wellness Staff Members Stepping Over the Line Into a Licensed Practice? March, 2015. (Invited).
Athletic Business Annual Conference. Fitness Facility Standards: Do They Reflect the Standard of Care or Not? November, 2014, Orlando, FL. (invited).
Medical Fitness Association Annual Conference. Scope of Practice: Are Your Fitness and Wellness Staff Members Stepping Over the Line Into a Licensed Practice? November, 2014, Orlando, FL.
International Presentation: Sports Medicine Australia Annual Conference. Treadmills: Are Our Backs Against the Wall? October, 2014, Canberra, Australia. (Presenters: Betul Sekendiz, Co-authors: Caroline Finch, Veronica Jones, Kevin Norton, Joachim Dietrich, JoAnn Eickhoff-Shemek).
Conference Keynote Presenter: Wellness Council of Tampa Bay and the Tampa Bay Healthcare Collaborative – Behavior Change: Integrating Mind, Body, Spirit conference. Health Behavior Change: Key Elements in Designing Successful Programs. June 2014, St. Petersburg, FL. (Invited).
Sixty-first Annual Meeting, American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). A Formal Evaluation of an Undergraduate Exercise Science Program: Perspectives From Students. (Thematic poster presentation that included oral and poster presentation). May 2014, Orlando, FL. (Co-author: Kristine Hogarty).
Sixty-first Annual Meeting, American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Meet-The-Experts. ACSM Annual Meeting Networking Session. May 2014, Orlando, FL. (Invited).
Twenty-sixth Annual Conference, Sport and Recreation Law Association (SRLA). Pre-Activity Screening: An Analysis of Standards, Research Studies, and Negligence Cases. February, 2014, Orlando, FL. (Co-author: Aaron Craig).
National Wellness Institute Webinar: Minimizing Legal Liability in Fitness/Wellness Programs: Strategies the Work! July, 2013.
International Conference Keynote: Is Your Fitness Business at Risk? Risk Management and Trends in the Fitness Industry: What Australians Can Learn from the U.S. Experience. April 2013, Sidney, Australia. (Invited)
Seventeenth Annual Conference, ACSM’s Health & Fitness Summit & Exposition. Protecting Against Negligence: Understanding Defenses that Work and Don’t Work! March, 2013, Las Vegas, NV. (Presented twice).
Twenty-fourth Annual Conference, Sport and Recreation Law Association (SRLA). Preparing Exercise Science Faculty to Teach a Legal Issues Class: An Online Training Program. March, 2012, Greensboro, NC. (Co-author: David Herbert).
Fifteenth Annual Conference, ACSM’s Health & Fitness Summit & Exposition. Minimizing Legal Liability in Health/Fitness Programs: Strategies that Work. Anaheim, CA. April, 2011. (Co-presented with David Herbert). (Presented twice).
Medical Fitness Association (MFA) Regional Conference Minimizing Legal Liability: Best Practices in Risk Management. Sarasota, FL, May, 2010.
Twenty-second Annual Conference, Sport and Recreation Law Association (SRLA). Treadmill Injuries in Health/Fitness Facilities: A Review of Case Law. Albuquerque, NM, March 2010.
Fifteenth Annual Medical Fitness Association (MFA) & Healthcare Conference. Building a Comprehensive Risk Management Plan Orlando, FL, December, 2009.
Fifty-sixth Annual Meeting, American College of Sports Medicine. Integrating Legal and Risk Management Content into Exercise Science Academic Programs. Presented at the Exercise Sciences Education Interest Group Meeting. Seattle, WA, May, 2009. (Invited).
Fifty-sixth Annual Meeting, American College of Sports Medicine. Preparticipation Cardiovascular Screening Procedures in Health/Fitness Facilities: Is Compliance with National Standards Diminishing? Seattle, WA, May, 2009. (Presented by Springer, J., lead author and Eickhoff-Shemek, J. & Zuberbuechler, E., co-authors).
Thirteenth Annual Conference, ACSM’s Health & Fitness Summit & Exposition. The Law, Legal Liability, and Risk Management: Essential Education for Every Health/Fitness Professional. Atlanta, GA, March, 2009. (Co-presented with David Herbert). (Presented twice).
Twenty-second Annual Conference, Sport and Recreation Law Association (SRLA). The Failure to Conduct Pre-Activity Screening in Fitness Facilities: An Analysis of Case Law. San Antonio, TX, March, 2009.