Forms and Documents
Proper Use: Important Please Read
Fitness managers and exercise professionals are free to use (and edit) any of these forms and documents. All of these forms/documents are “Word” docs that can be easily changed/edited. Some of these forms have “copyright” stated at the bottom. When using/editing these forms in your facility and programs, feel free to remove the copyright statement. However, if you choose to publish any of these forms/documents in print or electronically (e.g., in a book, book chapter, journal article, magazine/newspaper, Internet website, thesis/dissertation), a copyright statement AND formal permission from Dr. Eickhoff-Shemek (drjes2014@gmail.com) are required.
Chapter 6 PASQ Forms (Appendix 6)
Form 6-1 PASQ Cover Letter
Form 6-2 PASQ – Professionally-Guided
Form 6-3 PASQ Interpretation Form
Form 6-4 PASQ Medical Clearance Form
Form 6-5 PASQ – Self-Guided
See: Putting the New ACSM's Pre-Activity Health Screening Guidelines into Practice
This article includes these PASQ forms, description on how to implement them, and legal issues applicable to pre-activity screening. Please read Chapter 6 and this article before using any of these forms.