Educational Courses
Educational Courses
Educational Courses to Accompany the Textbook

ACSM "Self-Study" Course
Law for Fitness Managers: Protect Yourself and Your Business
This course began November 2022 -- it is offered to ACSM and Non-ACSM Members. Earn 11 CECs by completing 5 self-study modules. For more information and to register, click:
Item Detail - Law for Fitness Managers: Protect Yourself and Your Business (acsm.org)
​​Fitness Law Academy Courses:
Course #1: Faculty Training Course
For more information, see Course #1 below. This faculty training course was first offered in the summer of 2021 and then again in the summers of 2022 and 2023 via live Zoom classes. Beginning in 2024, the course has been offered as an independent study only. To review a summary of the feedback from professors who completed this course in 2021 and 2022, click: Course Evals
Course #2: CEC/CEU Course – Minimizing Legal Liability and Maximizing Fitness Safety
This self-study course is designed for fitness managers, exercise professionals, and students. Upon successful completion of the course, 22 ACSM CECs or 2.0 NSCA CEUs are awarded. Individuals can register anytime for the course and complete it at their own pace. For more information, see Course #2 below.
COURSE #1 – Faculty Training Course
ONLINE INDEPENDENT SELF-STUDY COURSE: Faculty members can take this course anytime as an independent study course. ​
Professors enrolled in the course will receive the textbook and numerous ancillaries to help them learn/apply the content presented in the textbook and to use with their students in classes. Click the "More Info" button below for a brochure that describes the course, textbook, ancillaries, FAQs, and registration fee. Click the "Registration" button to complete and submit the Registration Form.
Refund, Return, Transfer, and Cancellation Policies:
No refunds, returns, and cancellations. However, professors/instructors can transfer their registration to another individual. However, you must inform Dr. JES (drjes2014@gmail.com) the name and e-mail address of the person to whom you are transferring the course. You are responsible for any and all transactions and costs involved in the transfer.
Course Cancellation Policy:
If at any time, the course professor cancels the course, a full refund will be issued provided the textbook is returned in excellent condition.
COURSE #2 – CEC/CEU Self-Study Course: Minimizing Legal Liability and Maximizing Fitness Safety
Earn 22 ACSM CECs and/or 2.0 NSCA CEUs. This course is a comprehensive CEC/CEU course that addresses legal and risk management concepts that are essential for all fitness managers, exercise professionals, and students to learn and apply in today’s litigious society. The course fee includes the textbook (sells for $89 on Amazon) and Study Guide that includes five files: (1) Instructions (2) Study Questions for each of the 11 chapters in the textbook, (3) Answers to all of the study questions, (4) CEC/CEU exam, and (5) Course evaluation form. Upon successful completion of this course, fitness managers and other professionals in supervisory positions can earn the Fitness Law Academy's certification: Certified Fitness Safety Manager. See the Certification page for more information.
Click the "More Info" button for detailed description of the CEC/CEU course, course fee, and Terms and Conditions. Click the "Registration" button to register for the Self-Study course -- see option for students who receive a 20% discount.

NOTE: If you have a certification from an organization other than ACSM or NSCA, you can contact that organization to ask about petition requirements to obtain CEs from our course.